People always have the most interesting and thought-provoking questions about Brainclaw. Ask your questions in the Comments section below, and we will do our very best to answer them.

  • Dear Brainclaw, why did it take so damn long to release DECEPTOR? “An excellent question! After Tara and David parted ways in 2009, the wind was taken out of David’s sails for quite some time. Then, he remarried and became a stepdad, then Carfax Abbey was reformed and began touring, then he became a father to an amazing and lovely little daughter, Gwennie Rose Giuffre. Then Studio Auroviral was flooded twice, by two different catastrophic failures of two major appliances. Then, Tara sadly passed on to Valhalla. This coupled with the virus situation, sparked the final revision, completion and current release of DECEPTOR. Thank God!”

  • Dear Brainclaw, what happened to Tara? “Well, after a lovely eight year marriage to David, and with an adoption of a baby from China in progress, Tara realized that something wasn’t feeling right for her. In the Spring of 2009, she realized that she was a lesbian, and came out publicly. Tara and David canceled the adoption, amicably divorced, and she decided that she was done with her participation in Brainclaw. Later, she very sadly became ill with cancer and fought it valiantly for 4 years, on and off, until finally in late 2019, she passed peacefully at her home in Morriville, PA.”

  • Dear Brainclaw, how do you make your music? What gear do you use? “All info about Studio Auroviral can be found on the STUDIO PAGE of this website.”

  • Dear Brainclaw, how did you guys get your wacky name? “Well, it was back when David was attending Ithaca College. His friend, Janette Holdorf, was making spaghetti one night, and she took the pasta stirrer out of the boiling pot and waved it at David, saying something like, ‘Don’t make me hit you with the Brain Claw!’ Well, it struck David like a bolt of lightning that this would be the perfect name for his nascent electronic music project, and it was born right then. Thanks, Janette!”

  • Dear Brainclaw, how did you first get into electronic music? “David remembers this date very well, since it shaped his entire future. He was watching Saturday Night Live on February 16th, 1980, and the musical guest was an English man with a ton of Polymoog synthesizers, a drummer and some guitar players. He had no idea who this guy was, but the music was haunting and alien, and he had never heard anything like it. Turns out it was Gary Numan! David then began saving for his first synthesizer, and the rest is history…”

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